The Graham Utilities for OS/2 - Version 2


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FS - File Size


FS lists the file sizes of all files matching the given file specification, on all specified drives.


Command Line Format

Usage: FS {Switches} <File Spec> Drive Spec(s)


All disks.
Force file names to lower case.
Hard disks only.
Include subdirectories in the search.
List Totals only, not individual files.

Note : If no file specification is entered, all files are listed. If drive specifications are entered then those drives are searched. If no drive specifications are entered then the current drive is searched.


FS lists the file sizes of all files matching the given file specification, on all specified drives. It can also list the totals of all files in specified subdirectories.

-a All disks

FS will scan all logical disk drives defined by the system, starting at drive A:. The drives are scanned in order, starting at A:, then B: and so on.

-f Force file names to lower case

On FAT partitions, file names are always displayed in lower case. HPFS partitions retain their case, but the file system does not differentiate between the case of file names, and they are displayed in the same case as which they were entered. The -f option forces all displayed file names, across all file system types, to be displayed in lower case.

-h Hard disks only

FS will scan all logical disk drives defined by the system, starting at drive C:. The drives are scanned in order, starting at C:, then D: and so on.

-s Subdirectories

FS will include subdirectories as part of its search of the specified disk drives. If a subdirectory name is included as part of the file specification, then the search will include that subdirectory and all subdirectories below it. If no subdirectory is given as part of the file specification, then the current directory and all below it are included in the search.

-t Totals Only

By default FS will list the name and size of each file matching the given file specification. This switch will force FS to only display the totals of all files matching the file specification. Also displayed is the slack. This is the difference between the actual file size and the size allocated for the file. It is expressed as a percentage.


FS C:\OS2 -st
Display the total size of all files in C:\OS2 and its subdirectories.
FS C: E:
Lists the names and size of all files in the current directories on drive C: and E:.
FS -st
Lists the names and total size of all files in the current directory and its subdirectories.
FS -ht
Lists the total size of all files in all subdirectories on all hard disks.